No subject

Wed Apr 28 21:25:55 PDT 2010

> invoking that [...] produces unresolved externals for
> boost::filesystem::path conversion machinery even though we can
> resolve other boost::filesystem symbols. Possibly those conversion
> routines aren't being built for Linden's Boost package.

Does that mean that LL's prebuilt windows binary for the Boost library
doesn't conform to the API set by the headers it ships with? Both const
std::string string() const
and const std::string generic_string() const
are declared in
build-windows/packages/include/boost/filesystem/v3/path.hpp for windows.

Is that somehow related to the compile flag mismatch mentioned in
changeset 740d8b8e509f

If the lib binary indeed deviates from the API, shouldn't we try to fix
the binary rather than hacking around these problems in the calling
viewer code?


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    On 07/23/2011 06:53 PM, Nicky Perian wrote:
cite="mid:20110723165308.2252.78631 at domU-12-31-38-00-90-68.compute-1.internal"
      <div style="font-family: Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,Sans-Serif;"><a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href=""></a>
        The comments in this changeset describe the windows build / link
        issues for this CR.<br>
    Hmm ... interesting. Thanks for investigating this. Alone from the
    Boost API documentation, I wouldn't have been able to find the cause
    of the undefined symbols errors you're seeing, I guess.<br>
    From <a
    <blockquote type="cite">While there is a
      boost::filesystem::path::string() call [...], invoking that [...]
      produces unresolved externals for boost::filesystem::path
      conversion machinery even though we can resolve other
      boost::filesystem symbols. Possibly those conversion routines
      aren't being built for Linden's Boost package.</blockquote>
    Does that mean that LL's prebuilt windows binary for the Boost
    library doesn't conform to the API set by the headers it ships with?
    Both <tt><a
        std::string string() const</a></tt> and <a
        std::string generic_string() const</tt></a> are declared in <tt>build-windows/</tt><tt>packages/include/boost/filesystem/v3/path.hpp</tt>
    for windows.<br>
    Is that somehow related to the compile flag mismatch mentioned in <a
    If the lib binary indeed deviates from the API, shouldn't we try to
    fix the binary rather than hacking around these problems in the
    calling viewer code?<br>


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