[opensource-dev] Request for comments about llSetAgentEnvironment / SVC-5520

Carlo Wood carlo at alinoe.com
Fri Mar 12 06:07:02 PST 2010

On Wed, Mar 10, 2010 at 01:05:38PM -0500, Maggie Leber (sl: Maggie Darwin)  wrote:
> I can just imagine a new use for all those tiny little ex-adfarm
> parcels along mainland roads: noob traps that force a blinding
> Windlight set on the unwary.

You're being a child with all this :/. Why aren't you complaining

* noob traps that force a high pitched squeel in my headphones
  when I enter their parcel. God forbids parcel media.

* noob traps that force me to look at 4 meter high advertisement
  billboards. God forbids texturing by users, or building.

* noob traps that cause unexpected main road walkers to drop
  into 4 meter deep holes. God forbid terrain editting, or at
  LEAST diable phantom for parcel owners so they can't cover
  up their traps!

* noob, noob?? Damnit, even I walk often happy and immersed
  into a parcel when suddenly "You are ejected from this parcel!"
  I want to decide myself where I go ok? Suddenly being banned
  from a parcel for, no reason whatsoever mind you, highly
  destroys my feeling of being immersed the world. Why not have
  a prim pittbull chase me or something realistic? Being ejected
  should be an opt-in, at the very least!!!

Carlo Wood <carlo at alinoe.com>

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