[opensource-dev] Darwin build failure

Nicky Perian nickyperian at gmail.com
Wed Nov 16 20:10:07 PST 2016

Mini:viewer-release nicky$ python --version
Python 2.7.12
Mini:viewer-release nicky$
configure -v -c RelWithDebInfoOS -- -DLL_TESTS:BOOL=OFF -DFMODEX:BOOL=ON

Mini:viewer-release nicky$
build -c RelWithDebInfoOS 2>&1 |tee -a DarwinSL.log
PhaseScriptExecution CMake\ PostBuild\ Rules
    cd /Users/nicky/viewer-release/indra
    /bin/sh -c
/Users/nicky/viewer-release/indra/newview/viewer_manifest.py --actions=copy
--arch=i386 --artwork=/Users/nicky/viewer-release/indra/newview
--buildtype=RelWithDebInfo --configuration=RelWithDebInfo
Life.app --grid=agni --channel=Second\ Life\ Test
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/nicky/viewer-release/indra/newview/viewer_manifest.py", line
47, in <module>
    from indra.base import llsd
ImportError: No module named base
make: *** [secondlife-bin_buildpart_0] Error 1
Command /bin/sh failed with exit code 2


The following build commands failed:
PhaseScriptExecution CMake\ PostBuild\ Rules
(1 failure)
ERROR: building configuration {'default': False, 'configure': {'command':
None, 'options': ['-G', "'Xcode'"], 'filters': None, 'arguments': None},
'name': 'RelWithDebInfoOS', 'build': {'command': 'xcodebuild', 'options':
['-configuration RelWithDebInfo', '-project SecondLife.xcodeproj'],
'filters': None, 'arguments': None}} returned 65
For more information: try re-running your command with --verbose or --debug

This failure is from the removal of viewer python library files associated
with MAINT-6585. With all MAINT-6585 reverted the build completes without

Full paths for autobuild configure and build are used because of use of a
bash script to build. The same error happens when building under Xcode.

Windows and Linux use the same code and there are no errors.

Has anyone else experienced this build failure?

More importantly is there a correction.

autobuild1.0 is used.
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