[opensource-dev] Viewer changes for Premium changes

hw hw at adminart.net
Thu Feb 27 13:16:18 PST 2020

So after stealing my money you make stuff more expensive for everyone and try 
to either get rid of the users that aren't signed up or force them to sign up 
so that you can steal their money, too.

How about you finally fix other problems like the block list not being loaded 
and making use of graphics cards that aren't a decade old first?

On Tuesday, February 25, 2020 4:48:03 PM CET Oz Linden (Scott Lawrence) wrote:
> **
> *As we mentioned at the last Third Party Viewer meeting, the upcoming
> changes to Premium levels will require some viewer updates to maintain
> full compatibility.*
> *
> Why are there changes?
> The viewer currently has some messages and costs hard coded that will
> need to be sensitive to the account type of the user. Rather than just
> telling the viewer the users’ account level (which we will also do) and
> then putting code into the viewer to adjust based on that type, we have
> built a more general solution. A new key ('benefits') in the LLSD map
> returned by login identifies a map whose keys are "benefit tags" and
> whose values are what that benefit level is for the logged-in user.
> For example, one of the benefit tags is "texture_upload_cost"; its value
> is the number of L$ required for this user to upload a texture. The
> viewer displays that cost in the upload dialog so that dialog must be
> modified to use the value returned in the tag rather than the L$10 that
> is currently hard coded.
> Where are the changes?
> The changes are in the 'DRTVWR-481
> <https://bitbucket.org/lindenlab/viewer/branch/DRTVWR-481>' branch in
> the viewer git repository. A viewer built from that branch will be
> available as a Release Candidate soon.
> When can we release these changes?
> We strongly encourage you to integrate these changes as soon as
> possible. You are free to begin incorporating the changes and releasing
> them any time (but please watch for updates to them).
> The login servers should already be returning the benefits information
> (the values are the same as those currently in the viewer; they'll
> change when we make the new Premium Plus level available and introduce
> other changes to Premium).
> The simulator support for benefits is still being finalized and
> deployed; they are just beginning to use the benefits information from
> login in the same way this new viewer branch does. In practice, both
> should arrive at the same numbers since the current benefits information
> from login matches the old hard coded values. If your testing shows any
> discrepancies, please report them via Jira as quickly as possible.
> What will happen with unmodified viewers when the Premium changes go
> into effect?
> Most Second Life usage should be fine without the updates, but there may
> be subtle problems. For example, an unmodified viewer may have the wrong
> cost for some action; if the viewer expects the cost to be lower than
> the simulator does, the simulator will reject the request.
> *

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