[sldev] [patch] Vectorized DWT in OpenJPEG

Dzonatas dzonatas at dzonux.net
Sun Apr 8 00:43:38 PDT 2007

John Hurliman wrote:
> Forgive my ignorance, but will this patch have any effect (negative or 
> positive) on compilers that aren't GCC4?
There is a #ifdef directive to detect GCC. I left the fixed point math 
in there, but I added a few more optimizations to that. The extra 
optimizations on the fixed point is positive for all compilers.

> For example if I apply this and compile with Visual Studio 2005 should 
> I expect the code to run at the same speed as previously, or will it 
> have an impact?
 From the previously applied DWT patch, this should run a bit faster 
even without vectorization. There is a download for a ICC plug-in for 
> And what about Intel's compiler?
I read the difference between Intel's vectorization and GCC's is very 
close; however, those were reviews before GCC 4.2 was even known. I 
think someone that knows Intel's compiler well enough should be able to 
patch this easily with a #ifdef to set the correct typedef on the vector 

The questions you have are why I left out the vectorization in the 
previous patch.


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