[sldev] New viewer released with logging of the owners of speaking objects and their location

Dale Glass dale at daleglass.net
Fri Aug 31 01:03:36 PDT 2007

On Friday 31 August 2007 04:52:47 Harold Brown wrote:
> The Map API has a CAPS URL to query the region name from co-ordinate. 
> Would you be able to use that?

Jim sent me another email with the same question (I assume both were 
mistakenly not forwarded to the list), so I'll reply to both here:

No, the data I have is a region key and local coordinates, from the 
ImprovedInstantMessage message:
                {   RegionID            LLUUID  }
                {       Position                LLVector3       }

I don't know the global coordinate, so I can't use that. Also MapBlockReply 
has no region LLUUUID.

So far the only message that seems to contain the required info is 
RegionHandshake. Which is why I had to build a bot that hops like mad between 
sims gathering keys.

In my understanding, regions can be identified by:

* Name. Easy to gather by map block request.
* Handle. This is an U64 which at least from looking at the libsecondlife 
source seems to encode its position in the map. Also obtainable by map block 
request. This one sounds like it can change if the sim moves around.
* RegionID. This is a LLUUID which seems to be the key assigned to the sim, 
and I assume it's not going to vary even if the sim is renamed or moved.

Handle to Name, Name to Handle, position to Name/Handle are all easy. RegionID 
is the tricky one to convert to anything else.
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