[sldev] More about viewer auth in today's RC

Tao Takashi tao.takashi at googlemail.com
Tue Dec 4 16:05:54 PST 2007


On Dec 5, 2007 12:47 AM, Tess Chu <tess at lindenlab.com> wrote:

> Back in October, we requested feedback about the Viewer Authentication
> project with a broad set of unfocused goals, which masked the main drive
> for the project: Code consolidation of authentication for future
> anti-fraud efforts.  As I'm sure you've noticed by now, the upcoming
> 1.18.6 release candidate has the implementation of this new system.

I did not as I did not have a look yet but after the discussion I think it
was clearer what you actually wanted.


> secrets.  We are, after all, not planning on publishing the root

password for our systems any time soon.

Ok, not anytime soon means not this year I guess but what about next year? I
think this would again attract a whole different crowd to Second Life ;-)

The process of making Second Life more open will take time, and will
> probably (unfortunately) be filled with awkward moments like this one
> where we figure out how to work together with you all.  Please bear with
> us, we're trying to learn the best way to do this.

Well, in general I think you are on a good way, at least you are trying (as
I see it). Of course it would be great in the end if most communication
about technical things would go on on a public mailing list. There might
always be specific things about a particular implementation (if we talk
about the moment when we maybe have various more or less connected grid
sometime in the far future) but I hope general communication will then
happen like any other open source project.

As for what you are doing there, how much would this actually affect the
SLGAWG stuff? Is this specific to what LL is doing or a more general
problem. If it's the latter then of course it's hard to keep secret.

now to bed.. :-)



PS: I started experimenting with doing the login the new ways. I also
created some sort of basic caps server for testing purposes. You can find
all this here: http://pysecondlife.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/

It's not working yet though and the protocol is not fixed anyway so it's
more of an experiment to play with that stuff and get a feel for it. At
least retrieving and proxying a caps was working. I also will add some docs
for it on how to get it to run. But first it needs to run ;-)

taotakashi at gmail.com

RL: Christian Scholz, cs at comlounge.net

IRC: MrTopf/Tao_T
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