[sldev] Free coverity scan?

Joshua Bell josh at lindenlab.com
Thu Jul 5 13:02:35 PDT 2007

Sorry about the delay in replying - I was away on vacation for several days.

"Jason Giglio" <gigstaggart at gmail.com> wrote:

> Coverity has been giving out free static analysis to some open source
> projects.

> So who wants to be the "official contact" to approach Coverity about it?

Linden Lab actually has a license for Coverity Prevent, and we've been running this against the internal code base in an automated fashion.

> I'm sure the SL client could use it, considering the number of null
> pointer crash patches lately. :)

I believe we've so far addressed 90% of the issues identified by the static analysis tools (either fixed or determined they were false positives), and  developers are plowing through them as time and other priorities permit.

We've been focused on getting the backlog of pre-existing issues dealt with, but should shortly switch over to doing analysis of in-progress code branches to prevent issues from going out in the first place. 


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