[sldev] Problem with new src tar files.

Max Okumoto okumoto at ucsd.edu
Thu Jun 7 21:49:32 PDT 2007

Looks like the valgrind config file is missing from the new src tar file.

[success full compile and link stuff deleted]

Processing unicode.ttf => unicode.ttf
Processing secondlife-i686-bin-stripped => 
Processing linux_tools/launch_url.sh => launch_url.sh
Processing * => None
Processing featuretable_linux.txt => None
Processing secondlife-i686.supp => None
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "newview/viewer_manifest.py", line 455, in ?
    main(srctree=viewer_dir, dsttree=os.path.join(viewer_dir, "packaged"))
  File "newview/../lib/python/indra/llmanifest.py", line 203, in main
  File "newview/../lib/python/indra/llmanifest.py", line 573, in do
  File "newview/viewer_manifest.py", line 414, in construct
  File "newview/../lib/python/indra/llmanifest.py", line 563, in path
  File "newview/../lib/python/indra/llmanifest.py", line 527, in 
    raise RuntimeError("Path %s doesn't exist" % (
RuntimeError: Path 
/local/home/linden/linden/indra/newview/secondlife-i686.supp doesn't exist
scons: *** [newview/SecondLife_i686_1_17_0_9.tar.bz2] Error 1
scons: building terminated because of errors.
make: *** [build] Error 2
Script done, file is build.log-Jun-07-2

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