[sldev] Created page on source control

John Hurliman jhurliman at wsu.edu
Tue Jun 19 06:26:52 PDT 2007

Paul TBBle Hampson wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 19, 2007 at 04:24:56AM +0200, Dale Glass wrote:
>> SVK seemed to be just the thing to use for SL development, but 
>> unfortunately the documentation leaves a lot to be desired, so I 
>> thought it'd be useful to have a page explaining how to apply it to 
>> SL development.
> Having recently become enamoured of git, (and git-svn), I'd love to
> see either LL or someone publishing a git-svn (or git-svnimport since
> it'd be normally one-way) tree.
> I'll prolly play with it myself at some point, although just for myself,
> tracking upstream tarballs seems easiest to me from a packaging point of
> view.
> Especially since once I get slviewer into Debian, I hope to organise
> some team-maintenance around it, and as mentioned, I'm enamoured of git.
> ^_^

When the GPL viewer was originally being discussed, the collection of 
people that was OpenSL at the time were pushing for a git setup over SVN 
and setup one of their own for a time, although it is no longer running 
or actively maintained. If a community actually kept up with it a git 
repo could be a useful resource for some of the client developers.

John Hurliman

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