[sldev] Voice =/= Proprietary

Laurent Laborde kerdezixe at gmail.com
Sun Mar 11 00:02:53 PST 2007

On 3/11/07, Joe Miller <joe at lindenlab.com> wrote:
> We're fully committed to open source.  The voice project has been in the
> works for a long time and we're still wringing out the details of how
> this implementation will not become "another GPL incompatibility."
> We're in an early technical beta now and will be making changes as we
> move toward a grid-wide beta in April.  The source for the voice-enabled
> client will be made available as a new "First Look" branch when we open
> the beta2 phase on the production grid.

I personally don't care if the code is GPL or not as long as the
source remain available and modifiable, and as long as a community can
work on it with LL.

You'll say : "well, GPL is a warranty that the sourcecode will remain
opensource !"
Mmm, yes and no. LL could use a double-licence using the codebase
*before* the opensourcing.
Linden Lab could use a "GPLLL" (General Public Linden Lab Licence,
some kind of ZLib licence clone ?), it's same for me. I have more
confidence into what LL is saying than into the GPL text. After all...
i give them thousands of US$/year so they must have my full confidence
or nothing.

I see it like this : "Hey ! Here is the sourcecode, help us patching !
We'll be fairplay".
If LL say so, that's enough. Whatever the licence, the dependencies,
the philosophy.

kerunix Flan
ZLib Licence for teh win!

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