[sldev] Group IMs

Tao Takashi tao.takashi at googlemail.com
Tue Mar 13 12:36:52 PDT 2007

2007/3/13, Jonathan Wolk <jwolk at lindenlab.com>:

    Another alternative could be just to leave important announcement
> notecards somewhere where every group member needs to visit.  I have
> some ideas of a better group/multiple agent chat interface, but it will
> unfortunately take some server side work that's not quite there yet.

But then again you could use group notices for the very important things.
But only for those as otherwise it might get somewhat annoying.

Looking forward to any other solution though :-)

-- Tao

taotakashi at gmail.com

RL: Christian Scholz, cs at comlounge.net
IRC: MrTopf/Tao_T
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