[sldev] [RFC] Object to Object Instant Messaging Proposal

kelly at lindenlab.com kelly at lindenlab.com
Tue May 29 08:09:06 PDT 2007

> The technical reasons why there isn't arbitrary o2o communications:
> 1. It requires tracking of objects for the entire grid, currently objects
> must register/poll for communications (email and xml-rpc) which does not
> require this type of tracking.
> 2. Gray Goo (DDoS0.

Sadly (1) is true and false at the same time.  It is true that such a
feature would require tracking of objects across the entire grid, probably
with some form of object presence registration.  And ... sadly both
XML-RPC and object email force a sort of presence registration that is a
central load point / central point of failure.  If you ever wonder why
xml-rpc is so crappy sometimes this is a big reason why.

Further o2o communications will probably move the presence tracking task
out to the end user.  In this case for example the call would more likely
llMessageObject(key object_id, key region_id, string message) or similar. 
Any http handler counterpart to llHTTPRequest would also likely require
region information, either a UUID or a name.

If you are interested in talking about these issues I usually recommend
Zero Linden's office hours, although I think he has guest speakers
scheduled at the moment. There is info about his office hours at

And there is discussion relevant to o2o communications I think at

 - Kelly

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