[sldev] Croquet videos

Lawson English lenglish5 at cox.net
Thu Nov 1 15:45:34 PDT 2007

Anthony Bundy wrote:
> Alternate input methods would get some of that capability, though the 
> drag and drop portion is very neat!
> When I first read your email, I was going to mention that we at i3D 
> inc (i3dnow.com) have a working whiteboard in SL, but after watching 
> the video, I realized you meant also from the /outside/. Very neat video!
> Hopefully LL is going to implement a few extra functions like 
> llDetectFaceUV and such to make some of that easier. We aren't able to 
> capture freehand drawing on the whiteboard in SL yet, but hope to 
> overcome that when some new functions become available that make it 
> less intensive on the script communications side.
> Tony Bundy (Anthony Reisman)

Is hoping for llSetSVG and svg on a prim...


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