[sldev] Re: region handle from region name

Anna Gulaev annagulaev at gmail.com
Mon Nov 26 20:34:22 PST 2007

After looking at the libsecondlife message document I think I have this
figured out. The message I'm looking for in response to a MapNameRequest is
a Map BlockReply, and a handler for that is set up in llstartup. So, I found
that handler and it does receive region handles based on map lookups. Now, I
think I can get what I want by making the request

and then watching for a response in that handler. I'll just have to keep a
list of regions I'm looking for, as opposed to the ones the map is looking
for, so I can retrieve just the handles I want.

On 11/26/07, Anna Gulaev <annagulaev at gmail.com> wrote:
> I have region name. I want region handle. Someone said that was simple.
> I gather it boils down to
> gWorldMap->sendNamedRegionRequest(region_name);
> [snip]
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