[sldev] UUID variant/version bits?

Lawson English lenglish5 at cox.net
Wed Nov 28 11:59:26 PST 2007

Kent Quirk (Q Linden) wrote:
> Jason Giglio wrote:
>> Why is it that the UUID variant/version bits do not seem to be set 
>> correctly on LL UUIDs?
>> Is this a bug or did you violate the RFC on purpose?
> If by "on purpose" you mean "by writing it before the RFC existed", 
> then yes.
> Our implementation of the UUID stuff was written sometime in 2001 or 
> 2002. Changing it might mean generating collisions for things like 
> asset IDs, and that would be Bhad Nhews. Since UUIDs aren't intended 
> for interoperability with other systems (RFC 4122: "UUIDs are not 
> globally resolvable") this isn't an issue.
> The code is in llmath/lluuid.* if you're interested.

The issue MAY be an issue once the meta-grid goes operational. You'll 
have to make sure everyone is using your version of UUIDs or 
asset-collisions might arise when moving from grid to grid.


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