[sldev] [VWR] How to determine Build mode status reliably?

Ettore Pasquini ettore_pasquini at 3dconnexion.com
Thu Oct 11 11:59:42 PDT 2007

What's the right method to detect that we are in Build mode?

I thought LLToolMgr::inEdit() was the one, as its usage is accompanied with
comments like "see if we're in build mode" in the code.  However, I found
out that the method returns "true" (i.e. "yes, we are in build mode")
everytime I am in Mouselook mode.  Is this intended?  If so I fail to
understand the logic behind it, and in any case inEdit() is not the right
one for my problem.

I have found an alternative condition to determine Build mode status, but
I'm not sure how stable this is:

(gToolMgr->getCurrentToolset()->getSelectedTool() == gToolCreate)

It seems to work so far, but can that be used reliably? What should I use



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