[sldev] LSL SVN

Dzonatas dzonatas at dzonux.net
Wed Oct 31 15:08:48 PDT 2007

Brandon Husbands wrote:
> I would like to see SVN functionality work for lsl code in game ..
> Anything think thats possible?

Hi Brandon,

There are a couples of things on my computer now that does likewise.

For example, I run a virtual world, and I can administrate it from the 
outside to run SVN to capture an image of all the scripts and their 
data. That one in particular does not use LSL, but it does use a design 
that allows me to adapt LSL.

One of the reasons why I haven't done it is the ability to give fully 
ability of the LSL with all its commands, as that would require being 
connected to the actual grid.

Consider how there is now a mission statement to allow such 
interoperability with the grid, I can now say it is possible, and it is 
practical at least at a functional design stage.

Yes, it is possible.


Power to Change the Void

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