[sldev] Teleportation woes

Michael Miller 1337mail at gmail.com
Fri Sep 14 18:05:57 PDT 2007

I'm trying to get my client to automatically teleport to a location at
the start of the game. The jist of the code is as such:

if(gStartupState == STATE_STARTED)

This(the teleportViaLocation method) generates the following message:

2007-09-15T01:00:09Z WARNING: teleportViaLocation: Using deprecated
2007-09-15T01:00:09Z WARNING: createXml: Alert: [CouldNotTeleportReason]
2007-09-15T01:00:09Z WARNING: createDialog: Alert: Could not teleport.
Problem encountered processing your teleport request. You may
			need to log back in before you can teleport. If you continue
			to get	this message, please check the Tech Support FAQ at:

I have even tried waiting 60 seconds(while the game is fully running
for some time) before executing this request. Is this due to the
teleportViaLocation method? Am I calling it correctly? Should I be
calling something else?


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