[sldev] Eventlet under windows?

Tao Takashi tao.takashi at googlemail.com
Mon Sep 17 13:15:42 PDT 2007

2007/9/17, Ryan Williams (Which) <rdw at lindenlab.com>:
> Baba wrote:
> > I've almost got Eventlet working on windows. I got greenlet compiled
> > which required vs2003. The last issue is a dependency on fcntl in
> util.py
> Hey, thanks for giving it a try!  Windows compatibility is totally one
> of Eventlet's major weaknesses.
> > fcntl seems to be unix only.  Commenting it out gets the examples
> > running but that's not the best of solutions.  Any ideas?
> I confess that I know very little about Windows, but a little googling
> turned up some discussions about this very topic, and the conclusion
> seemed to be to have conditional code that executes Windows-specific API
> calls.  Thanks, Python, for making us platform-independent.....NOT.
> Seriously if you search for "fcntl windows" the first page of results is
> all Python-related, so this seems to be a common sticking point.
> I did find this little interesting snippet:
> The Unix fcntl() call has no direct equivalent under Winsock. Where
> necessary, similar functionality exists in Winsock's ioctlsocket() call.
> For example, the equivalent of using Unix's fcntl() to set a socket's
> O_NONBLOCK flag is setting the FIONBIO flag with Winsock's ioctlsocket().
> Twisted seems to have solved the problem of making sockets nonblocking:
> http://itamarst.org/writings/win32sockets.html    though this link
> doesn't go into the details.

Maybe asyncore works on Windows and can be coopted for this purpose?

asyncore should run under Windows as it's used in Zope and this definitely
runs under windows.
And Itamar, who's page you link in that mail used to hang out on #zope on
freenode.net and #twisted,
so maybe it might also be useful to ask there (greetings from MrTopf :-) ).

-- Tao

taotakashi at gmail.com

RL: Christian Scholz, cs at comlounge.net

IRC: MrTopf/Tao_T
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