[sldev] What color should I paint the bike shed?

Jason Giglio gigstaggart at gmail.com
Mon Sep 24 00:35:42 PDT 2007

Argent Stonecutter wrote:
> From: Jason Giglio <gigstaggart at gmail.com>
>> Does anyone have any compelling reason to keep BMP as an option,
>> including new UI to select the format to save as?
> Windows users can edit BMPs (crop them, etc) with Windows Paint. They 
> can't do that for other formats.
> Uploaded PNG and TGS come in as alpha textures, and even if they're 100% 
> opaque for all pixels you get alpha rendering issues.
> So being able to save in a format that most users can just edit and 
> upload is valuable.
> The second issue can be fixed with a smarter uploader (at least one with 
> the ability to specify whether alpha is maintained).
> The first, not without help from Microsoft. :)

Well as I pointed out elsewhere, MS Paint in Win XP+ apparently does 
support PNG.

As for your other issue, that is somewhat valid, but you are right, 
really that's a bug in the upload that should be fixed.

Hmm.  Thanks.


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