[sldev] Re: Permissions - A content creator's view (michi@luskwood.org)

Soft soft at lindenlab.com
Mon Sep 24 19:26:32 PDT 2007

On 9/24/07, Argent Stonecutter <secret.argent at gmail.com> wrote:
> I think Michi's position is completely reasonable (though I suspect
> that what he posted may be something of a form letter, at least I
> haven't seen some of the arguments he's opposing on this list...
> certainly nothing about 'no transfer' being evil), but I would like
> to make one comment on a tiny point, because there's a huge can of
> worms that I don't think that any content creator should open.

For what it's worth, these things come up in discussions in Lusk and
other in-world areas pretty frequently. I haven't read anything pulled
out of the air here, it's just been expressed comprehensively.

All for Iridium's idea on a roundtable for this: There are definitely
unanswered questions between this and the future distributed grid.

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