[sldev] Handling open source translations

Soft soft at lindenlab.com
Mon Apr 7 13:35:11 PDT 2008

I'm curious - how do other projects handle volunteer-submitted
translations? As I understand it, these come with a few liabilities
that need to be resolved:

* They could be loaded down with obscenities or rudeness. If none of
us speak, say, Latvian, we'd never know the harm of telling someone to
"go pick mushrooms" (a death threat) even if we use machine
translation to verify translations back to English. How do we prevent

* They could contain misleading translations. A fraudster could have a
field day by reversing LSL debit permission payment accept/reject
buttons and singling out users in that language community. How do we
protect users? We can't simply say the translation is "unsupported."
Not only would we leave people open to harm this way, but we'd create
inventive for submitting these types of translations.

* Open source developers don't deliver on a schedule. We can pay for
1-day turn around from contractors where a language has many users.
But when we get to languages with only a few hundred users, it's tough
to make a case for commercial translation services to do the updates.
We can't hold back shipping while we wait for every last language to
be brought to parity by volunteers. How do we make contributions
timely, or how do we eliminate the need for timely translations?

It would be great if we were taking in the new translations that are
often offered. But the initial translation work is only a small
fraction of the overall resources that language support consumes. How
do we make user-submitted translations work? How do other projects
handle these problems?

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