[sldev] sljirastats.com Linden Metrics Report

Lawson English lenglish5 at cox.net
Thu Apr 17 19:44:32 PDT 2008

Jason Giglio wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Kent Quirk (Q Linden) wrote:
>> If you're going to invalidate examples, I think we also have to  
>> consider the rate of change of the underlying systems. Ghostscript is  
>> basically an implementation of Postscript. According to Wikipedia, the  
>> last change to the Postscript spec was in 1997. I *hope* by now it has  
>> very few bugs!
> Well, I see your point, but keep in mind GS also implements the PDF
> spec, which is an 1100 page document.  New versions of it come out every
> couple years too.
/me hates both. QuickDraw GX forever!.

Seriously, it would have been nice for someone in the OS community to 
notice that there was something better than PostSCript and pdf out 
there, but I guess it makes sense to assume that Apple doesn't support 
their own products they can't be any good (leaving aside internal and 
external politics issues that trump technical superiority, of course).

Ironically, the patents on both TrueType AND GX fonts are expired, so an 
OpenSource implementation of them would certainly be possible, but 
again, no-one pays attention to Apple.

(you should hear my rant about how QUickDraw regions have been left 
behind even though they are perfect for 3D ROI volume descriptions in 
medical imaging).


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