[sldev] Viewer security vulnerability disclosure group

Gordon Wendt GordonWendt at gmail.com
Sun Dec 28 23:59:31 PST 2008

Rob, from the attitude conveyed by your email this seems like another big
screw you towards a lot of people.  I honestly didn't expect LL to ditch the
plan to create this list even though there's vocal opposition to it even had
the opposition outweighed the support (it didn't) but the fact that your
message conveyed the tone that it was off the table is essentially saying to
me and to others that it wasn't even on the table and you were jerking us
along.  If it wasn't a viable option you should have told us so when you
laid out the other non viable options.  I would say I'm disappointed but I
don't want to sound like I'm whining and I think by this point I don't think
I have to tell you that Rob.

Since I assume you won't publicly answer me on list since you never do I'll
await either silence or your reply via email.

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