Avatar imposters; was: [sldev] visual muting

Mike Monkowski monkowsk at watson.ibm.com
Tue Feb 5 15:42:34 PST 2008

Eric M. Tulla (BigPapi) wrote:
> Have you tried playing with the "avatar detail" slider? 

I'm an engineer.  Of course I played with the slider. :-)

I pushed it all the way to both ends just to see what happens.  I was 
curious from an engineering standpoint.

I asked about LOD because it doesn't seem to be fully utilized in SL. 
For example, avatar_head.llm is 1,598K and avatar_head_1.llm is only 8K 
and some of the morphs don't appear in the lower LOD file.  I would have 
expected a 100K file or so for LOD 1 and perhaps 10K for LOD 2.


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