[sldev] WebMap API work & in-world meeting

Harold Brown labrat.hb at gmail.com
Sun Jan 20 00:04:30 PST 2008

Thank you for the non-productive sarcastic post.

As two of the items have absolutely nothing to do with a Web Map API..
and the third only marginally as nothing provided would benefit a

As for AWG... I don't see the Web Map API as being a part of that project.

But at the very least I do think it should be able to provide the same
amount of information that is available via the in-world map.

On Jan 19, 2008 11:43 PM, Dzonatas <dzonatas at dzonux.net> wrote:
> Harold Brown wrote:
> > Unfortunatly I have a weekly meeting RL at work at the time scheduled.
> >
> > As for things I'd like to see.
> >
> > 1. Up to date map images for all zoom levels
> > 2. Web Map Service (WMS) or Tile Map Service (TMS) host for pulling
> > map tiles (OpenLayers has support for these two services)
> > 3. More detail available by query from the web (Number of AV's, Prims
> > used, etc.)  possibly limited with more available to estate owner via
> > a key
> 4. Landbots and how they would use the above information, who stores
> such information, and all who is entrusted with such information.
> 5. The complete history of the Linden dollar, its value, its
> enumeration, how it was worked for, how it was trusted from the day it
> was first created, and how every bit of it was earned.
> 6. A ceremony to bring together the 22 day of this month as the day
> WebAPI is given new life so you will see your world, how the AWG
> protocol brings it a robust and powerful protocol so you will have your
> imagination, and the day the banks of Second Life shall see no ROI
> except the almighty LindeX.
> May the meeting be a good one... or the last of its kind.

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