[sldev] Get Avatar UUID by Name

Zi Ree tinacloud at gmx.de
Mon Jan 21 13:19:05 PST 2008

Am Montag 21 Januar 2008 schrieb Skal Tura:

>   There is already a UUID cache for met avatars, located at:
> C:\Documents And Settings\(your name)\Application Data\Second
> Life\cache\name.cache

Yes, the C++ representation is LLCacheName but there is no method to get an 
avatar UUID by name. I could hack this in probably, but I'd like to go the 
official way if at all possible.

>  Which is a simple tab delimited list. I don't know what all goes into
> there, but atleast something.

You should know that the UUIDs in there are encoded (you can see that in the 
source, so the keys are unusable as they are in the file). Decoding would be 
simple, but I just wanted to point that out.

>  Also, there is several services offering name2key, from which most
> popular i think is moopf's at: http://www.moopf.com/name2key.php

Yes, but in-viewer this would be very cumbersome ;)

>   Tyrian Camilo

Thanks for your reply!


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