[sldev] Which code drop to build on Windows with VS 2005 Express?

Philippe Bossut pbossut at kei.com
Sat Jan 26 14:21:14 PST 2008


Thanks Dzonatas for answering so quickly. It's nice to feel welcome  
even with the silliest question :)

On Jan 25, 2008, at 9:27 PM, Dzonatas wrote:
> Sounds like your using the project files. You'll probably have to  
> put the built files into one directory or set your env variables.

Yes, I am using the project files. Your point about them being  
outdated might be the reason of my problems.

I'll give a spin to using SCons builder as you are since it worked  
for you. If that failed, I'll try checking out more recent project  
files from svn.

Thanks for the tip!

- Philippe

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