[sldev] CMake preview available - please try it out!

Dzonatas dzonatas at dzonux.net
Wed Jan 30 18:36:25 PST 2008

Bryan O'Sullivan wrote:
> Please give things a try!

Sure, but first, let me know if you ever gave the SCons version I did a 
try... any of them.

> Cheers,

Sounds like work I could have been hired to do, you know, like to make 
this CMake builder.  I proven by the SCons version I could do it. Thanks 
for the evidence in my case. =)

Certainly would not be as bad as the SSE skinning code where I never did 
say I could make that faster, but first day on the job the issue was 
written as "Dzonatas says he has made it faster." I was like , wow, I 
did?  Gosh, I don't think my memory is that bad that I can't remember 
that being said, but I can't remember it! Oh yes, this is gonna make me 
look bad if I don't make it faster especially for saying that I did.

I've always wonder if the work I did at Linden Lab was really that 
bad... why has nobody else been able to do it or even attempted it? 
*cough under breath* damn politicians *cough*

Well, shoot, looks like there was more work, like the cmake builder, 
that LL could have assigned me to do.

No worries, when the Judge asks what happen... you know... I can show 
them this, and that you did everything you can, by all means, to get 
cmake to work. You knew that there was this SCons version already there, 
but I wonder how much company money was spent to get cmake to work.

Thank you.

P.S. I surely shall 'try' it... legally.

P.P.S. People ask me, "why do you want to work at LL when you know they 
treat you that way"... I just say back... "likewise, why do you want to 
be in-world at Second Life?"

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