[sldev] CMake preview available - please try it out!

Bryan O'Sullivan bos at lindenlab.com
Thu Jan 31 10:26:24 PST 2008

Robin Cornelius wrote:

> in fact setting STANDALONE:BOOL=TRUE does not pull in openjpeg unless
> you also specify:-
> -DOPENJPEG_LIBRARY:STRING='/usr/lib/libopenjpeg.so'
> when running cmake directly eg not via cmake.py.

That's a bit odd.  You can see where it's looking by checking 
cmake/FindOpenJPEG.cmake and cmake/OpenJPEG.cmake.  You might need to 
add some debug statements there to figure out why it's not being picked up.

> This has resulted in a compiled and linked executable, now i just need
> to find a way to stop automatic packaging of the viewer into a
> tarball.

make -C my_build_dir/newview secondlife-bin

> Is there an easy way to disable this? 

You don't need to disable it, it's just the default target.  Build the 
secondlife-bin target explicitly instead, as above, and it won't be 
picked up.


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