[sldev] [AWG] Zero Linden office hours discussion on ineroperability

Lawson English lenglish5 at cox.net
Wed Jul 9 19:02:02 PDT 2008

Tess Linden, Director of Studio Icehouse, will be guest-hosting Zero's 
office hours Thursday, 8:30 AM SLT.


The topic will be:

'"The Interoperable Experience" and how that will change as we move 
forward with the Beta.'

For those that missed it, Linden Lab and IBM did a successful demo of a 
TP from the SL beta grid  to OpenSim. Zha Ewry  told me she did 20 round 
trips (10?) to make sure it worked both ways.


So, I'd expect tomorrow's office hours to be in the context of that demo.


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