[sldev] Cache speed experiment & results...

Alex Dailey alex at lindenlab.com
Wed Jun 4 11:44:06 PDT 2008

A humorous side note to this. The distribution of uuid's is so random 
and there is so much 'space' between values, that Cory et al. joked 
about putting phony assets in the early range, ...0000000, 0000001 that 
rezz'ed signs saying things like, "Give up now!" and "Abandon your quest 
or despair!" for people who tried to guess asset_id's starting from the 
beginning of the uuid range.

Kent Quirk (Q Linden) wrote:
> On Jun 4, 2008, at 12:54 PM, Celierra Darling wrote:
>> On Wed, Jun 4, 2008 at 12:37 PM, Dale Mahalko <dmahalko at gmail.com> 
>> wrote:
>>> My only concern is that the GUID distribution is may be just merely
>>> pseudo-random.  ...
>> Why not hash the (entire) GUID and use that instead?
> The point of a GUID is that it's already random. Or more correctly, 
> "merely" pseudo-random. Not that most computers have a handy source of 
> true randomness anyway.
> Our GUID generation code is found in lluuid.h/.cpp. There are comments 
> in there that indicate that we've thought about distribution and the 
> quality of our randomness before.
> Which makes sense, given that we have to store *all* of those assets 
> ourselves. If they had a tendency to sort themselves into buckets, 
> we'd have a lot more trouble managing them than any external caching 
> scheme will. I don't think this is something to bother with.
>     Q
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