[sldev] [Policy] C++ N00bs exploring the client source code?

Soft soft at lindenlab.com
Thu Jun 19 12:19:29 PDT 2008

On Thu, Jun 19, 2008 at 12:51 PM, Dale Mahalko <dmahalko at gmail.com> wrote:
> I am wondering if showing up at the open source meeting and asking
> what may seem as "stupid beginner's questions" would be perceived as
> annoying and a waste of your / LL-Staffs' professional time. (For
> example, why is ll_apr_file used for open/read/write/etc rather than
> just apr_file? Is llapr.cpp a shim library, to make transitioning from
> the LLLFS easier? And IS the LLLFS being replaced by the APR? I can't
> find any official coding policy or notes pointing in that direction.
> Is it okay to discuss this in SLDev or not?)

If you ask questions on-list, the question's likely to be forwarded to
the person who knows the system best if they're not already
subscribed. If you ask in a meeting, odds are it goes nowhere if the
person who owns a system isn't there.

Please don't be discouraged from diving into the source wtih any level
of experience. If you worry that a question might be distracting or
too basic, be sure it's in its own thread. If you want to be sure
you're contributing from the start, you can always offer to document
what you learn on the wiki.

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