[sldev] Wind Sound CPU usage.

Jason Giglio gigstaggart at gmail.com
Wed Mar 5 15:17:31 PST 2008

Aimee Trescothick wrote:
> I still hear some clicks, sorry  :S :)
> I'm on a Mac, so maybe that's the difference. I also have some 
> background in sound engineering, so I'm probably more critical than 
> most. I'll record a couple of samples in a minute so we can see if we're 
> comparing like with like.

OK, because I honestly can't hear a difference even at full volume now.

> The pinking filter as it's implemented is overkill, I've cut it down 
> some with no noticeable difference using the "economy" method from 
> http://www.firstpr.com.au/dsp/pink-noise/

I tried that too, it seemed to cause some bad static/clipping.

> My sub-sampling seems to be fine at 22K, it's only when I go down to 
> 14.7K it becomes noisy, I'm probably doing something stupid somewhere. 
> The filter is cutting over 60dB at 7Khz (audio), so a 14K sample rate 
> should be sufficient according to Mr. Nyquist and co.
> I've incorporated some of the clean up from yours and tidied things up a 
> bit, would you mind profiling the attached patch and seeing if I'm 
> having any impact?


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