[sldev] [VWR] Guaranteed reply for RequestTaskInventory, and related questions

Jason Giglio gigstaggart at gmail.com
Wed Mar 12 12:17:19 PDT 2008

Question 1:
I'm requesting inventory on viewerObjects using the LLVOInventoryListener.

My problem is that the server will only reply to RequestTaskInventory if 
the viewerObject is something that can have an inventory.  This leaves 
my code waiting forever if I accidentally request inventory on a 
viewerobject that isn't a task.

Here is the code I'm using to filter viewerObjects before attempting to 
load their inventory:

(objectp->getRegion() != gAgent.getRegion() || objectp->isDead() || 
objectp->getPCode() != LL_PCODE_VOLUME)

The problem is that my code is still sometimes getting stuck, apparently 
waiting forever for that InventoryData packet that will never happen.

What other conditions do I need to use to filter out things that I 
shouldn't try to RequestTaskInventory on?

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