[sldev] Fwd: [Opensim-dev] Violating the GPL by looking (Re: Voice Module)

Callum Lerwick seg at haxxed.com
Wed Mar 19 09:25:32 PDT 2008

On Wed, 2008-03-19 at 11:54 -0400, Gordon Wendt wrote:
> I'm no lawyer either but I think you're right about knowledge vs code
> but that being said even viewing the code opens the team up to
> lawsuits under the assumption (wrongly) that any code not created in a
> clean room environment could be tainted by people who saw the source
> code so even seeing the code could open up whichever team we're
> talking about in this juncture (RealXTend or Opensim) to a lawsuit
> from Ll, not to mention a breach of contract lawsuit from LL against
> anyone who signed the submission agreement with Ll then went on to
> help one of these other projects.

More FUD. You're getting ever more vague, and you need to be getting
more specific. Back up your assertions, or GTFO.

What do you mean "tainted"? This started out as a claim of possible
copyright violation. This claim has not been backed up. Instead, the
claim changed to intellectual property law. As I explained earlier, IP
law is of no threat to anyone *outside* LL. And this reasoning would
apply just as much to a BSD license as it would GPL.

And now you're throwing up a claim of contract violation, of the
submission agreement. Is the submission agreement even a contract? What
has this got to do with the GPL? I'm not even going to bother wasting my
time digging into this myself.

This bullshit is getting tired. Real tired. And off-topic. But if I let
this bullshit fly unchallenged, it's just going to spread further and
get even worse.
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