[sldev] 64bit of sl?

Dzonatas Sol dzonatas at gmail.com
Thu Dec 3 07:02:41 PST 2009

Kent Quirk wrote:
> On Dec 2, 2009, at 9:59 AM, Stickman wrote:
> Except that the creation of the code is only a small fraction of the  
> problem. For each new build we support in an "official" mainline  
> viewer, we have to:
> * Set up our automated build environment to build it, which includes  
> configuring and deploying machines to do the build (and then maintain  
> that forever)
> * Acquire machines and QA expertise to be able to test it adequately
> * Allocate QA resources to do a regression test on every release going  
> forward
> * Allocate release team resources to document and maintain the release
> * Add support team capabilities to handle the new release
> We do it from time to time, but it's a significant allocation of  
> resources and requires coordination across the company.
> Snowglobe has a different set of issues, and it's a bit easier.

Could we assume that any portion of the viewer that could be put into a 
universal binary that could be compiled once and runs on all 64bit and 
32bit version of Mac, Windows, and Linuxs distribution would be a 
significant salvation on resources?

I know LL loves python. I also know that python could be made into a 
universal binary when compiled with Ironpython. I've wondered why LL 
hasn't taken advantage of Ironpython. I've fooled around with its 
ability to compile in the entire standard codebase, which would mean no 
need to worry if python is installed as it would be all in one binary. 
Sure, a larger binary, but how much does it save from what you noted?

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