[sldev] Body motion and facial expression tracking, Microsoft did it

Mike Monkowski monkowsk at watson.ibm.com
Fri Jun 5 13:12:02 PDT 2009

Tateru Nino wrote:
> Maybe it isn't really about handshakes, and more about general 
> lining-up-of-body-parts between avatars? :)

Oh?  Which body parts did *you* have in mind?

> However, for most people in first-world western cultures, a handshake is 
> the frequently sole form of socially allowable physical contact between 
> two people who aren't intimates at some level. That makes it strongly 
> symbolic.

A handshake in the west.  A bow in the east.  Maybe we should agree that 
in a *virtual* world everyone does a curtsy.  :-)

Aw, c'mon, it's the end of a long week. My mind's on autopilot. :-)


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