[sldev] Why hasn't Linden Lab implemented WRITING to NOTECARD?

Tigro Spottystripes tigrospottystripes at gmail.com
Wed Jun 10 21:06:23 PDT 2009

slightly off-topic question, could you explain how exaclty the system
confirms that some old UUID isn't inside someone's inventory or inside
an object or even a notecard before deleting it please?

kelly at lindenlab.com escreveu:
> Dale is pretty darn close, so I'll only hit on the differences.  And some
> about other emails I have seen in this thread.  :)
> * We do garbage collection on the asset system.  We scan for references to
> other assets (and anything that looks like an asset ID etc) and move
> unreferenced objects off to the side.  After some period of no requests
> for those assets they are deleted.  This is relatively effective at our
> current rate of asset creation.  The actual growth rate of the asset
> server is well within reason at this point and is not unbounded. (I say
> 'current' and 'at this point' because this hasn't always been the case and
> I've been involved in more than a couple projects to reduce the rate at
> which we create new assets. :) )
> * A large part of the "new asset for every save" is pure legacy.  The
> system started and was designed as "write once", and there are a lot of
> optimizations you can make if you know a specific UUID will always point
> to the exact same thing.  Now our system is large and complex.  We have
> worked on rewritable assets for various reasons (usually attachment
> related) but these projects are difficult and complicated and tend to
> break things you wouldn't expect.
> * Content creators tend to think notecards because notecards are what we
> have and what we can store manually entered data into and read from.  They
> aren't optimal though even if we ignore the show stopping asset creation
> rate in the current system.  Every time you read from a notecard the
> simulator must fetch that notecard from the asset server and load it into
> memory.  Sure it keeps a LRU cache of cards around so it doesn't fetch for
> *every* read, but this is hardly the right way to go about script data
> storage.  Also this data isn't exactly random access, I think reading a
> notecard via lsl line by line is an O(n^2) operation.  And another point -
> how do you handle the inevitable race conditions as two scripts read and
> write to the same asset?  SVC-1406 that Argent mentions is a good example
> of better out of the box thinking.
> * I *hate* the project name "memory limits".  While it is true that part
> of this project will be limiting total sim-wide script memory available,
> we are likely talking about levels that already significantly degrade
> simulator performance.  As a content creator I am *really* looking forward
> to "memory limits" because with it we can introduce dynamic memory sizes
> for individual scripts.  Forget that project that needs 10 scripts, half
> of each of which is the communication glue for them to work together. 
> Instead have one script that can use the memory it needs.  I don't have
> all the details on the final design, and I'm sure it will be adjusted with
> every round of statistics we collect, but you could look at how we handle
> URLs for HTTP-In as a starting point.
> In short, writable notecards just aren't going to happen.  It would be a
> horrible hack anyway with crappy performance.  We have llHTTPRequest
> already which is ideal for accessing and storing data on an external host.
>  I have even seen services specifically for LSL that will store a small
> amount for free.  Perhaps http_request, maybe specifically because it can
> do obj->obj, will open new options in 1.27 (on aditi now!).  And so
> probably will the "script memory limits" project.
>  - Kelly
>> Saving a notecard makes a new one. The old data hangs around in the
>> asset server apparently forever, so if you have 16k of temporary data
>> and you change 1 byte of it and save the change, you're burning 16 kb
>> per write. Over time this could end up being gigabytes to terabytes of
>> wasted space in the asset system across thousands of program write
>> operations, and LL has to provide expensive RAID and do tape
>> archiving, etc etc of all that..
>> UUIDs are not reused when objects are modified because of some design
>> concept regarding data-access efficiency and caching. Woohoo, don't
>> you love clear and direct answers? I think this was discussed a long
>> while back but I don't see anything in my SLDev keyword searches.
>> Okay, um, if I recall right, saving UUID changes would make the cached
>> asset state stale and then you need to add mechanisms to keep the
>> cache up to date with the main db, or for the main db to notify cache
>> siblings of UUID state changes.
>> If you don't ever allow UUID changes then the cached state never needs
>> to be checked and can always be handed out to clients at much greater
>> speed than if state checks were needed, but this speed comes at the
>> price of poor storage efficiency of not recovering space used by
>> changed UUIDs that may never be accessed ever again.
>> There's no way to assess whether a saved asset was just temporary data
>> that will never be used again vs a UUID that just won't be used again
>> for a very very long time. LL can prune "infrequently used" UUIDs out
>> of the main db running on expensive 15,000 RPM SAS drives, and move
>> the infrequent assets to slower less-expensive "nearline storage", but
>> LL can't ever really delete anything since there's no way to know if
>> it might be needed by a user, or really never again.
>> The slack from unused objects that were temporary and will never be
>> accessed, probably accounts for a certain sizable chunk of those
>> terabytes of growing asset storage you sometimes hear about.
>> - Dale Mahalko / Scalar Tardis
>> On Wed, Jun 10, 2009 at 7:35 PM, Fire<fire at b3dmultitech.com> wrote:
>>> just wondering (and I am sure this question has been asked before)
>>> but why, oh why, hasn't LL implemented the feature of writing to
>>> notecards?
>>> Wouldnt this solve a lot of our scripting nightmares?  Ie: List memory
>>> limits
>>> etc?
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