[sldev] Render-Pipeline broken for today ?

Alissa Sabre alissa_sabre at yahoo.co.jp
Mon Mar 30 08:04:29 PDT 2009


> >>> 2009-03-29T13:20:48Z WARNING: LLVOAvatarBoneInfo::parseXml: Bone without
> >>> position

> >> Might be the old locale handling issue popping up once again:

> > Um ... wait, no ... Guess my reaction was too Pavlovian ... That was an
> > issue on the unix-like systems, not Windows.

It was a Linux-only issue, since the problematic calls to setlocale()
was in a GTK API that Linux version of llmozlib depended.  On Windows,
llmozlib didn't use GTK and setlocale() was never called, then.

However, the direct cause of the problem was the decimal point
character (i.e., a comma or a period) of the locale.  GTK was just a
trigger.  Careless calls to setlocale() could lead to the same
behaviour on any platform.

> WinXP german
> VCExpress 2005 english

Hmm, German Windows...  So, your default decimal bpoint character is a
comma, right?  It is very suspicious.  Can you test your viewer under
a setting that decimal point be a period?  You can chnge your
Windows setting as follows:

- Open Windows' Control Panel.
- Choose Regional and Language Options.
- On Regional Options tab, in Standards and formats, Choose "English
  (United States)" or click on Customize and adjust "Decimal symbol"
  and "Digit grouping symbol" on the Numbers tab.
- Click OK.

Please report back to the list, regardless it made your viewer to run
or it made no difference at all.

    Alissa Sabre

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