[sldev] Request review of VWR-13251 Revise lscript_library.cpp to allow localization of LSL editor hovertips

Soft soft at lindenlab.com
Wed May 6 13:00:08 PDT 2009

On Wed, May 6, 2009 at 10:05 AM, Zai Lynch
<I_really_needed_a_new_mailbox at gmx.de> wrote:
> I see.. I made a JIRA for this @
> https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-13251 so it would be great if someone
> (OS contributor or LL employee) could adopt it. (I don't consider me beeing
> able to do so.)

I want to see if I understand the evolving open source review process,
so I'm putting this change through SLDev instead of the internal
review process.

Please review the patch and test plan attached to VWR-13251 for errors
or suggested improvements. Post a pass or any concerns to the list and
JIRA both(?)


If you willing to execute the test plan and post your results, that
would be a huge plus. It doesn't require C++ knowledge, but LSL
knowledge is helpful. If you can't build yourself, we should be able
to kick off a new build of the branch after I get the okay to commit.

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