[sldev] Can message_template.msg be changed, or will that break third party applications?

Soft soft at lindenlab.com
Thu May 7 05:45:44 PDT 2009

On Thu, May 7, 2009 at 7:06 AM, Carlo Wood <carlo at alinoe.com> wrote:
> Is there a problem with changing app_settings/message_template.msg
> as I suggest here:
> http://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-13267
> that I'm overlooking?

On the server, it reads it as a U8, but it's only using it to feed
methods that want BOOLs. This really should have been a BOOL, as you
point out. Since BOOL and U8 are the same size, it may be okay to
change this over and to change the server code to unpack a BOOL to
avoid introducing a warning there.

I'm not sure how much havoc this change would wreak with the
validation tools. Normally we're only to extend or add messages, not
edit established protocol. Maybe a Linden closer to that code can

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