[sldev] New feature? Clothing Outfit cards

Tateru Nino tateru.nino at gmail.com
Wed Oct 7 06:13:44 PDT 2009

I seem to recall hearing that there was some prototype work for symbolic
links (of a sort) in inventory.

Robert Martin wrote:
> Bringing a discussion from a third party viewer to the dev list to see
> whats possible
> "this would cause a massive drop in inventories due to not needing
> multiple copies of items
> a worst/best case scenario for this would be an heavy weight Anthro
> Avatar with attachments on 80% of the points and clothes
> assembled into a dozen outfits (with minor differences). lets say that
> there are 17 points with "stuff" plus a shirt and undershirt (19 base
> items) if there are 12 outfits with this base then you have 228
> inventory items for an extra load of
> 209 items. This could add up very quickly (quick everybody look in
> your inventory and count your outfit dupes)
> suggested format for the card
> **********Outfit Selection Card DN="Display Name" MODE=|Replace,Add to
> outfit|*******
> 1 "%Item Display name%" %UUID for item% %item type%
> 2 "%Item Display name%" %UUID for item% %item type%
> ....
> and this would also work for folks selling multiple outfits in a
> single box same outfit in blue read and green say "
> Im not sure what all would need to be changed server and or client
> side but does this look like a possible good idea to anybody??
> No jira yet can create one if this idea is "sane"

Tateru Nino

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