[sldev] 3rd party viewer policy post on blogs.secondlife.com

Tigro Spottystripes tigrospottystripes at gmail.com
Wed Oct 21 07:13:25 PDT 2009

How about somthing lke this, people who LL trust to make good viewers
get a  key to sign their binaries, the source code as it has been
pointed out already is tooo pliable to be trusted. Viewers that got the
LL signature are viewers that were copiled into binary by people LL trusts.

This wouldn't make any difference in regards to avoiding malicious
viewers illegally reproducing data, but it would serve to help users
avoid malicious binaries that would harm them.

There should be a simple way to check if the binary is signed with an
authroized LL key that hasn't been revoked yet, so people would easilly
verify the authenticity of whatever viewer they download.

The exact requirements to receive a LL key should be discussed
separately, this proposal is just about the underlying system for the
"registry of LL trusted viewers" thing

The actual grid servers wouldn't need to know anything about this, it's
just about keeping the user safe when choosing viewers. But the servers
might be involved in the verification proccess, as well as being made
aware of the status of viewers, so for example, people could only allow
LL signed viewers on their sim, or even an additional bit of data for
assets that tells the server to only send that asset to LL signed viewers.

Of course we can't expect all the people LL trusts with keys to forever
manage to maintain them secret,  so keys can be revoked, and with
specific keys for each trusted developers, simply don't send a new key
to the developer that leaked their key when renewing keys after the
revocation (with a decent legal system so people can resort in case they
believe they've been unfairly accused of not being trustworthy)

Since this isn't somthing that needs to happen in real time and stuff,
use a key size so big that not even quantum computers can break with
bruteforce before the heat death of the universe

Of course there is still the issue of something external to the viewer
running in paralell, or with a man-inthe-middle attack snatching the
data that was server tot he trusted viewer, there isn't a solution for
that, we don't need to think about it. It's like that saying "You can do
somthing about it? Then there is no point worrying.You cannot do
anything about it? Then there is no point worrying" (I can't rememebr
the exact words, but that's the general idea)

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