[sldev] [VWR] QA, CHTTP, Compiling, standalone build and no llmozlib (to CEO)

Dzonatas dzonatas at dzonux.net
Tue Dec 18 14:59:47 PST 2007

I do appreciate the reply.  Maybe when LL employees have some spare time 
they can read this.

Dzonatas wrote:
> Textures are one thing...  but damn look at protecting programs and 
> their data.  No, simple web services are not enough.

An example of how simple web services or how simple POSTs, GETs, and 
DELETEs, are not enough:


The scary numbers.

People want to create business on a platform like Second Life. Right 
now, Linden Lab publishes releases of source code. The QA on those 
releases are very limited to just making sure the server and viewer 
works as expected. When we plug in the scary numbers, we can see that 
there will be 60 million regions worth of programs running beyond the 
server and viewer itself. Times that by about 1000 active scripts for 
each region.

What manpower is it going to take to make sure 60 billion scripts have 
been reliably QA'd?

People want to make sure they can say their business is reliable. Right 
now, without automation, the is not enough people on earth to test every 
single script to make sure any update made does not have a disfunctional 

Is Linden Lab brave enough to say that LL will continue to push updates 
every week and have business come back and ask if those updates have 
been QA'd with that business's scripts?  Of course, LL alone doesn't 
even have to manpower to test all the scripts on the grid at this time. 
How can LL possible say they can guarantee such reliability? Impossible.

That is where a line is drawn between being a funny virtual game and 
being a reliable platform.

Automation, like this, can not be avoided. Jobs will be affected. We can 
only hope for the positive and make sure people can stay in a job 
status. That may make it obvious that the LL today won't be the same LL 

I think about these factors. I had full access to billions worth of U.S. 
dollars. (The job I let go before I hit bottom from losing my kids.) My 
work affected peoples jobs, but it did not fuck-up the banks and their 
economies that people rely upon every second.

Second Life and your job is just a so-said "virtual" world that 
experiences downtime. Luckily, avatars don't need to eat, have shelter, 
or need recovery in case of a disaster.

My job may have put 800 people on the street, but it did not put 50 
billion dollars worth of jobs, food, banks, business, and millions of 
affected people on the street.

Ironical, LL tries to informally hire me but tries to put me on the 
street to "do me a favor." It was pretty obvious when James asked me the 
stupid interview question about pennies on a sphere. LL is not in the 
business to put pennies on a sphere, so who cares what kind of answer 
was said. Very um.. bright!

To this day, I'm still faced with the court saying I'm worth a lot (from 
the my work experience) and threatens to put me in jail if I don't make 
some fictional amount they came up with for what I'm worth.

Does LL disagree with the court and says I'm worth the street? LL hasn't 
fully hired me as of yet beyond a currently non-paying CA.

Ah! I'm haven't been just insanely talking my head on this list for the 
past months. I'm being threatened in different ways, and I don't have 
the answer to stop it.

Keep in mind "scary" numbers. Am I worth some "scary" fictional amount?  
McDs and like jobs don't even pay enough to settle it.. I still get the 
threats. I'm tired, and I'm asking for a decent job that would settle 
the court.

The court threatens me. Takes away things until I prove innocence (for 
which I'm not found guilty). I tell LL (and other business I've tried) 
what I can do. After so many turn downs, you think I could tell the 
court that I'm not worth that much they say. It is not that simple. I 
may be rusty at times, but I prove I can do that job and keep the right 
focus about it. Think the court will accept me telling them that 
business don't want to hire me?  Nope, they either make me get any job 
or put me in jail. You wonder why I'm rusty -- time spent in jobs 
unrelated to my expertise.

Hmm... we were talking about reliability and jobs.

Ok, Court, you ask LL to hire me and find out why not.

Ok, LL, you ask Court why I'm worth so much and tell them why you won't 
fully hire me cause you think I'm not worth it.

You two battle it out. I'm tired, and I wanted to be with my kids and 
show them a real life.

Power to Change the Void

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