[sldev] A client port to XNA

John Hurliman jhurliman at wsu.edu
Mon Jan 22 15:14:56 PST 2007

Jesse Nesbitt wrote:
> libsecondlife had a project called Slight that was SL client in XNA,
> but jhurliman has other priorities then to figure out how to project
> spheres :P
> @Dale: Generally, any discussion of XNA is related to porting to the 
> XBox 360

The project called Slight never happened, there was no code ever 
written. I have a simple rendering experiment for SL called sceneviewer 
(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8IsuQsHO14s) that is up in svn at 
http://code.google.com/p/libsecondlife (separate from the official 
libsecondlife code repository). With XNA you get the worst of all worlds 
with no UI controls on any platform, no networking layer on XBox360, and 
no OSX or Linux versions at all. It's fun, it's a cool language for 
learning about shaders and 3D rendering, but not appropriate for a real 
SL viewer. If you want to jump on the C# bandwagon look at the C# 
bindings for Ogre.

John Hurliman

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