[sldev] SSE/Vector stuff

Nicholaz Beresford nicholaz at blueflash.cc
Sun Jul 8 18:03:00 PDT 2007

Second Life from the inside out:

> Right. Even though I completed what was asked the first time around and, 
> as further asked a second and third time around, did more then the 
> original desire, it was all considered a waste of time in the end. 

Oh, didn't know it was a contract job.

> In the end, well... I still have a uncashed check they sent back to me 
> after I gave it back. I went totally unpaid for the last bit to help 
> finish the job. I didn't feel accomplished for what was asked even 
> though it appeared completed. 

Oh ohh ... guess I know why I've given up contracting a long time
ago.  But honestly, I wouldn't leave the cheque uncashed (or well,
maybe there would be situations where I would, but these would be
jobs gone really really wrong), cause it's payment for your time
also, not just the result (and the result seems to be doing something,
even if it's not doing it now).


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