[sldev] About the Open Source Viewer

Kamilion kamilion at gmail.com
Mon Jul 16 16:25:30 PDT 2007

On 7/16/07, Dzonatas <dzonatas at dzonux.net> wrote:
> You are correct. The QA bit is the higher priority of the effort.
> I'm still wonder what to do with those that have signed agreements that
> want to submit source for review or for a test before a jira issue seems
> practical.

Perhaps we should separate builds into 'stable' and
'testing/unstable', it seems to work for many other projects.

JIRA patches would end up in 'stable', and non-jira'd review/test
patches can make it into testing/unstable.

When the patch ends up on JIRA, it could be moved over to stable.

Testing would likely be a subset of stable, making it a good place to
test patches on top of the latest community patchset.

> In the end, yes, the jira serialization is very helpful and does help
> make efforts become more official.

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