[sldev] OSLCC: cross compiling Second Life on Linux to target Windows

Dzonatas dzonatas at dzonux.net
Sat Mar 10 19:30:00 PST 2007

I've already began to cross compile the open source version of Second 
Life but run into to link errors. I'm looking for help.

I created a repository that'll automated most steps to build SL. If you 
are interested, please see:

The entire source compiles down to the link stage. There are several 
warnings, but I have patched-up the major ones.

The majority of the errors I get right now are from GL symbols. Like:
    undefined reference to `_glGetDoublev'

However, I can test a simple c++ program and stick glGetDoublev() into 
it and it compiles and links fine.

Thanks for your help.

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